What Previous Attendees Say About Chief Experts Live Events
2024 Chief Experts Total Immersion Summit
for Chief Architect Users Attendees
The Power of "Togetherness"
In 2013 we held our first "stay and learn" event and brought together a group in Las Vegas. We all stayed in the same house for a week learning about Chief Architect and attending the builder's show. It was a huge success, and today many of those who attended that event are some of my closest friends and are having great success using Chief Architect.
Since then, we've done many more "stay and learn" events. The success of those that have attended these events continues to amaze me. It is inspiring to bring a group of like-minded people together to focus on successfully implementing Chief Architect into their lives.
In the interest of teaching others how to use Chief Architect, what ended up happening is we created "Togetherness."
Out of curiosity, I Googled the word "Togetherness." Here are some synonyms: camaraderie, family feeling, connectedness, affection, fellow-feeling, comradeship, team spirit, friendship, society, and community of interest.
That's what happens at an event like this. Together, we learn how to use the software to serve our clients and ourselves to the fullest.
Getting many years' worth of training, guidance, advice, and best practices all crammed into a week is the goal of these events. And as a bonus, life-long friendships are formed.
Continue on to learn more if this sounds like something you could use to take your career to the next level. If you have any questions, please call me; I'm always happy to help.
Dan Baumann, Chief Experts
dan@chiefexperts.com 952-451-9911 (call anytime)